
Monday, May 28, 2012

Boats and Bunkers

Right now my project is a little bit scattered.  When I get stuck on one model, I move onto the next one.  So far this strategy isn't going too badly, but it might get a bit confusing later.  As you can see, I just finished my bunker and am currently working on my higgins boat.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Well I'm finally done my house at Bernieres-Sur Mer (pictures from last post).  I touched up the roof a little bit and added another window.  Worked on some tank traps today using the rectangle tool and the transform tool.  Probably going to work on a couple of Higgins boats or bunkers next.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My house

Here's the house I'm trying to build.  It's one of the buildings at Bernieres Sur Mer in France.  The only 3-d model i downloaded were the windows in the third picture to the top right.  Evidently my model isn't to scale and doesn't look exactly like the real thing.  But I think that the house is turning out better than expected.  

Monday, May 14, 2012

New Post

Almost done the roof of my house.  I'm wondering if I'm being more meticulous than I should.  I'm measuring the distances between lines and making them exact for everything.  That's probably why my progress is so slow lately. I ended up making the roof by creating a cube as the top and then carving it out with the line tool.  Then I painted it with bricks to give it a nice roof looking effect.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


My Sketchup assignment is going well.  All I really have to do now is get the roof done.  Still not sure how I'm going to do it though.  Maybe I'll be lucky enough to find a quick tutorial.  The front of the house is 90% complete.  This project is ending up being a lot bigger than I had originally thought.  I think it might be better to change my project to creating the D-Day landings instead of the whole Normandy Landings.